The trailer of actor Suhas’ upcoming film ‘Prasanna Vadanam’ is getting a lot of love from the audience. It was launched by creative director Sukumar and he spoke quite highly about the ‘Color Photo’ actor. He said that he likes Suhas a lot.
He added that he wanted to take Suhas for Keshava’s role in ‘Pushpa’ but didn’t want to give a supporting role to the actor who is playing a hero lately. He even compared Suhas to Natural star Nani in terms of acting and ease. Suhas has scored hits like ‘Writer Padmabhushan’, ‘Color Photo’ and ‘Ambajipeta Marriage Band’. He is coming up with ‘Prasanna Vadanam’ on 3rd May and it is being released in Telugu states by Mythri Movie Makers while Hombale Pictures is releasing it in Karnataka.
Payal Radha Krishna and Raashi Singh are the female leads in this movie. Arjun is the director and Vijay Bulganin is the music composer. Suhas’ movies will be rich in content and he does the same with ‘Prasanna Vadanam’ too. This suspense thriller generated a good buzz. The hero’s character, his problem and the rest of the characters generate a lot of curiosity. We get an idea of why the makers named this film ‘Prasanna Vadanam’. Let us see how the movie turns out.