Film director Tammareddy Bharadwaj has said YS Jagan has emerged as an undisputed politician not just in Andhra Pradesh but also in the country. Tammareddy expresses his opinion and views in his YouTube channel, ‘Naa Aalochanalu’ and shared his thoughts on Jagan.
“Despite the Modi wave in the country and TDP’s government, Jagan came to power. He fought really hard for the last decade,” said Tammareddy. But the director found fault in Jagan’s statements made in Delhi. Addressing the media in the national capital, Jagan said had BJP won 250 Lok Sabha seats, YSRCP had good chances of demanding ‘special status’ to Andhra Pradesh but BJP is the single largest party now and they will do whatever they want.
Tammareddy objected this statement and said Jagan should ask for ‘Special Status’ like King but not like a begger. “During the dominant Congress phase, Tamil Nadu’s DMK used to get things from Delhi. NTR and then YSR have ruled Delhi for sometime and Jagan has the capabilities to do. He has been on the roads for a decade and now people have given him a huge mandate. So the Telugu pride is in Jagan’s hand. He should fight for special status like King,” said Tammareddy.