Young Tiger NTR redefined style with the first ever teaser of Nannaku Prematho. The stylishly shot slow-mo teaser in which NTR breezes through a large group of pigeons standing elegantly on a hoverboard on the London streets created a sensation among his fans and especially kids.
Already, the self-balanced hoverboard is the latest in thing in the IT campuses and even kids are forcing their parents to buy it for them. In his latest promotional interview, NTR cautioned his fans, parents and kids against imitating his hoverboard feat, saying that it is risky.
Stating that balancing a hoverboard is a quite a difficult task, NTR revealed that even he fell down 3, 4 times and hurt his back while practicing it. NTR even revealed one incident in which he was talking to his brother Kalyanram over the phone and how he fell down from the hoverboard, which also panicked Kalyanram.