Congress Leader Jairam Ramesh alleged TRS Government sanctioned Rs 271 crore in 2014 for buying police vehicles from two car dealers (Himanshu Motors owned by KTR, Harsha Motors owned by Venkaiah Naidu’s Son) without inviting Tenders. ‘Venkaiah’s Family-owned Swarna Bharat Trust was exempted from paying Rs 2 crore development charge to Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority,’ he said.
While reacting to the allegations on the business operations of his family members, NDA’s Presidential Candidate Venkaiah Naidu clarified he never interfered in the business of his Son. He, however, admits anyone in public life can’t escape such allegations. ‘I doesn’t know anything about My Son’s Business. People who are in mud can’t see if someone wears a white shirt and hence they try to throw mud at them. Usually, Government places an order with Company and then Company will offer commissions to Dealers depending on the count of vehicles delivered,’ he explained.
Venkaiah Naidu disclosed he told to his children not to enter Politics and he willn’t interfere in their Business. He made it clear Swarna Bharat Trust has been run since 16 years and it won’t accept funds from Government. ‘Even a single rupee of foreign contribution wasn’t accepted. Centre served notices to 18 lakh people in the country, including 5,900 firms, for taking foreign contributions. What will happen if notices were served to Swarna Bharat Trust? Centre would cancel it any how as no foreign investment was accepted,’ he exudes confidence.