Recently released “Dorasani” movie has seen two newcomers, star kids we must say, introduced to the Telugu film industry. They are Jeevitha-Rajasekhar’s daughter Sivathmika and Vijay Devarakonda’s brother Anand. While the film has fallen flat on its feet, even these two actors also didn’t get any acclaim. So what’s next for them?
While Anand is said to be preparing for two more films, of which one is a love story, we hear that Sivathmika will be stopping it here. No, she’s not quitting acting after just one film, but she will be taking a long break now. Actually, she’s said to be preparing for NEET exam, qualifying which, she will be joining MBBS at a reputed college in Hyderabad. Simultaneously she will be doing MBBS and films, but right now her focus will be on securing admission and finishing 1st year of college.
Reportedly Rajaekhar and Jeevitha have earlier confirmed that they want their children to finish studies and then join films. Because that will give them the scope to have an alternative career in life when films fail. And it looks like the Dorasani girl wants to follow dad’s advise sincerely when it comes to career.