It has been more than five months since ‘RRR’ hit the screens. The movie turned out to be a blockbuster in theatres and got released to a thunderous response on the OTT platforms too. It was trending on Netflix for 14 weeks which was a huge record. Now, this film is being attached to discussions about Oscar nominations. While all this is going on, NTR who is one of the film’s lead actors is yet to begin his next project.
It is well known that Tarak decided to go ahead with Kortala Siva irrespective of the result of ‘Acharya’. The motion poster of #NTR30 came out and good a very good response too. While this project may take some time before going on the floors, he announced another pan-Indian action movie with Prasanth Neel. With the ‘KGF’ director announcing that ‘Salaar’ will be coming out on 28th September, it has been made clear that his project with NTR may not start anytime soon.
There were reports that Tarak will be doing a movie with ‘Uppena’ fame Buchi Babu. The young director is often seen having story discussions with his teacher Sukumar and sources say that he is readying a perfect script for NTR. Reports suggest that ‘Peddi’ is a title that is being considered for this flick. Rumors are that NTR will be seen playing two roles in this film. He is expected to play the roles of both father and son in this movie. While the father will be seen as a sixty-year-old man who is stuck in a wheelchair, the son will be presented as a Kabaddi player. Reports claim that there is going to be a strong story and the characterizations of both father and son are going to be the major strength of this flick.
While all this sounds exciting, fans of NTR are worried about a sentiment. None of the films which had NTR played father and son roles succeeded at the box office. He was seen as both father and son in ‘Andhrawala’ and ‘Shakti’. They turned out to be the biggest disasters in NTR’s career. We need to wait and see whether Buchi Babu’s film puts an end to this sentiment or not.