The trailers of Malayalam super star Mohan Lal’s new Telugu film Manamantha went viral and evoked a good curiosity in the media. But news is that the film has traces of Venkatesh’s Dirshyam and many scenes of the film will make you remember that film instantly.
Manamantha has four stories in the making and how these stories are related with one serious incident is the plot. Mohan Lal plays a simple family man and has dubbed for this film which has won a lot of negative criticism.
Now with such negative comments coming out for the film, it needs to be seen how the film does when it releases. This project is releasing along with Sirish’s Srirastu Subhamastu making it even more tougher as that former is a family drama with good comedy.But as Chadrasekhar Yeleti has some good name in the audience, the film might be the saving grace for many.