Jeetu Joseph’s Malayalam flick ‘Drushyam’ is a runaway hit in Malayalam as the Mohan Lal enthralled audiences with its original screenplay and thrilling narration. When remade in Telugu with same title, with Venky in the lead, the film stunned our audiences too as it goes on scoring a big hit for the Daggubati hero after a long time. Fascinated by the film’s stunning success, none other than Kamal Haasan has come forward to star in the Tamil remake of the movie, titled Papanasam, the film is on floors now. What about remake-craving Bollywood then?
Already leading producer and distribution network company Viacom has acquired the rights of Malayalam’s Drishyam, if have to believe. Though the names of Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgan are initially heard as possible heroes who could star in the remake, now we are hearing Saif Ali Khan’s name. Also this princely hero wants his wife Kareena Kapoor to be roped in for this nail-biting drama, as he wants to thrill audiences saving his on-screen wife from the murder episode. Well, it’s too early to talk about the hero and heroine of Drishyam Hindi remake as nothing is official yet. Wait and see.