A recent video of the renowned writer and novelist Yandamuri Veerendranath, who associated with Chiranjeevi in numerous blockbusters, criticizing Ram Charan is not going well with fans. Yandamuri Veerendranath, at a recent seminar with engineering college students to boost them up about hard-work, tried to give a beating to Ram Charan’s image.
Yandamuri recollects the times of ‘Abhilasha’ with Chiranjeevi and did not hesitate to speak on Chiru’s and his wife’s efforts to make the kid Ram Charan a star for the next generation, by correcting his jawline and grooming him in dances and stunts.
The senior writer then talked about a highly talented kid named Saraswati Prasad and how the then 8-year-old kid got appreciation from the legendary Ilayaraja. The kid later changed his name to ‘Devi Sri Prasad’ becoming a star musician now, revealed Yandamuri.
Comparing Ram Charan to Devi Sri, Yandamuri stressed it loud that one needs to be recognized by himself, but not by his dad! Well, drawing comparisons between actors is not uncommon, but when Devisri Prasad is a star musician now and Ram Charan is no less in what he is doing, the comparison itself is not sensible.