Tollywood dashing actor Rana Daggubati’s wife, Miheeka Daggubati, continues to delight fans with glimpses into their lives. Today, she shared a stunning picture on her Instagram featuring the Daggubati brothers – Rana and Abhiram – looking dapper in traditional wear.
The caption, “Aren’t my two boys just the most dashing?” perfectly captures the essence of the photo. The brothers, dressed in traditional attire, seem to be radiating warmth and camaraderie. Fans speculate the picture was taken during Abhiram’s wedding ceremony in December last year.
Abhiram tied the knot with Prathyusha in an intimate destination wedding in Sri Lanka. He made his acting debut with the action drama “Ahimsa” but has yet to announce his next project. In contrast, Rana, who married Miheeka Bajaj in 2020, continues to be active in the film industry, captivating audiences with his performances.
Rana recently completed a cameo role in the highly anticipated Tamil movie “Vettaiyyan.” He’s also currently shooting for the upcoming Telugu film “Rakshasa Raja,” directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Teja. Fans are eagerly waiting to see Rana back in action on the big screen in both these projects.