Trivikram Srinivas is one of the top director in Tollywood at the moment. He delivered an industry hit with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Attarintiki Daredi’ and he is currently working with Stylish Star Allu Arjun for an untitled film. Earlier, it was speculated that Trivikram’s Baapu Bomma Pranita Subash will appear in his new film too. Rumours spread across T-Town that Trivikram had an affair with Pranita but the unit denied these speculations.
However, Nithya Menen’s name is being heard at the moment and sources say that Trivikram’s ego was hurt as Pranita started to tell everyone that she is going to act in Allu Arjun’s forthcoming film. Apart from Bunny, none of the other star cast details were officially announced by the team and they wanted to keep a low profile during the shooting stages. Irked with Pranita’s over-enthusiasm, Trivikram has decided to go with Nithya Menen, says a source close to the unit.