When Superstar Mahesh Babu says that he can’t face camera without ‘someone’, we can understand his importance in the Telugu superstar’s career. He is Mahesh’s makeup man, Pattabhi. The other day, Mahesh gets nostalgic and shared a picture from the past and wrote a heartening message for his makeup man, who has been with him for the past 24 years.
“Posing with the evergreen Superstar 🙂 🙂 He” been with me for the past 24 years. Can’t face the camera without him 🙂 No photoshop.. my favourite colour..my man in blue – Pattabhi,” Mahesh captioned the nostalgic pic.
The fact that Mahesh Babu retained Pattabhi for more than two decades despite the new talent coming into the industry, tells the trust he has in him and the bonding they share. Irrespective of the director and producer, Pattabhi has been on board as Mahesh’s personal makeup man for all of his films.