He highly anticipated mythological drama Ramayana, featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi as Ram and Sita, has hit a major roadblock. Despite the leaked visuals leaving fans awestruck, the film’s production now faces a legal hurdle regarding copyright ownership.
Ramayana, touted as the biggest Indian film ever made, boasts a star-studded cast with Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, Sunny Deol, and Yash playing pivotal roles. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the project was initially co-produced by Bollywood bigwigs Madhu Mantena and Allu Aravind alongside Namit Malhotra. However, things took a turn when Mantena and Aravind abruptly exited the venture, leaving the reasons shrouded in secrecy.
Now, the plot thickens with Madhu Mantena issuing a public notice claiming ownership of the Ramayana script and related material. In a statement, he clarifies that while Prime Focus Technologies, another production house, sought to acquire the intellectual property rights in April 2024, the deal never materialized due to non-payment. Mantena asserts that the rights still belong to his company, Allu Mantena Media Ventures LLP, and any attempt to exploit the script or material by Prime Focus or those associated with them would be considered copyright infringement.
He warns of taking “necessary steps” to protect his client’s rights. This legal dispute casts a shadow over Ramayana’s production timeline and raises questions about the film’s future. Fans who were enthralled by the leaked visuals of Ranbir and Sai Pallavi are left wondering if and when they’ll finally get to witness this epic drama unfold on the big screen.