KGF created a sensation among the Christmas releases all over India fighting with Bollywood Badshah SRK’s film, Zero. That movie becoming a disaster helped this one to have a sustained run even though Simmbaa took over a week later.The kind of sensation KGF Chapter 1 created is unimaginable in Telugu states for a Kannada film and in fact it is equivalent to Baahubali success for Kannada Film Industry.
Prashanth Neel, the writer and director had a big vision and he is looking to repeat the success even on a grand scale for the second part.Sanjay Dutt is said to be taken as the main villain of the second part with Yash growing back to same bulky self to play Rocky Bhai, again.
Ravi Shankar, Kannada top most character actor and Arundhati voice actor, will also enter the franchise as a Kannada Don who opposes Rocky’s growth in the second film, it seems.The pre-production works are almost over and movie will start filming in April with all the cast participating in the first schedule, it seems. Movie could release for Summer next year as per early reports from Sandalwood.