Bringing down the curtains on continuous speculations over the release of Rajinikanth’s most-anticipated film Lingaa, finally the makers have put an end. According to latest reports, leading production house Eros International has bagged the theatrical rights of Rajinikanth’s Lingaa. Eros International said in a statement, “We have bagged the release rights of Lingaa. We will release the film in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi and release the film world-wide in large scale.”
Buzz is that Eros has shell out a whopping amount to producer Rockline Venkatesh and bagged the theatrical rights. Sources say that all “hurdles” have been cleared and the movie will release on the eve of Rajini’s birthday on Dec 12 as per previous plan. Makers are now planning to release the film’s audio in November grandly in three languages.
Oscar-award winning music composer AR Rahman has rendered the tunes. Directed by KS Ravi Kumar, the movie will see Rajini romancing Sonakshi Sinha and Anushka Shetty. Talk is that Rajini will be seen in dual role. It’s expected that the movie is going to compensate the losses of Rajini’s previous experimental venture Kochadaiiyaan.