Hero Nandamuri Balakrishna’s daughter Nara Brahmani said she immensely liked ‘NTR – Kathanayakudu’ and is even more excited about the second part ‘NTR – Mahanayakudu.’
Balakrishna has hosted a special screening of ‘NTR’ for all the Nandamuri family members and few celebrities at AMB Cinemas multiplex in Hyderabad.
Speaking first Lokeswari said, “It was like watching my father on the screen again after many years. Credit should go to Balakrishna and director Krish.”
Nara Brahmani spoke to the media and said, “Each and every actor in the film performed to the best of their abilities. I did not spend much time with my grandfather during my childhood as he used to be busy every day. My dad (NBK) lived in the character of NTR.”
Nandamuri Suhasini also attending the screening of ‘NTR’ and said, “Even I don’t know much about my grandfather personally. But with this film, I learned many things about him. Balayya Babai as NTR and Kalyanram as my father Harikrishna performed extraordinarily.”