Heroine Keerthi Suresh is going places in Kollywood now. Very soon this Mallu import is going to dazzle on Telugu silver screen also. She will be seen as leading lady of hero Ram in upcoming “Hari Katha” (tentative title) which is being directed by Kishore Tirumala. Currently this hottie splashed to top of the columns because of her ‘conditions’ related to exposing on silver screen.
In fact his Mallu beauty happens to be a hardcore fan of Tamil hero Surya and in several interviews she revealed that she is waiting for a chance to work with him. However, even if it Surya, glamour will not be her forte. “I took decision of grabbing movie offers purely with my acting prowess, but not with skin shows. Even if I get a chance in Surya’s movie, I’ll not romance him in skimpy outfits. That’s the bottom-line”, said Keerthi Suresh in an exclusive interview.
Coming from a filmy family, where her mother happens to be former heroine Menaka while father is popular producer Suresh, cutie Keerthi giver preference for roles that have substance rather just song and dance routines. That means, this young girl wants to fall in the lines of Nitya Menon and other Mallu babes. Let’s see what kind of reception Tollywood gives her.