Tollywood film makers tasted success by making films on Yama. Some of the superhits include NTR’s ‘Yamagola’ to Mega Star’s ‘Yamudiki Mogudu’.One still can not forget Jr NTR’s ‘Yama Donga’ which gave him the star status once again in the film industry. Even Venu and Srikanth starred in ‘Yamagola malli modalayyindi’ some time back entertaining movie lovers.
Genex tollywood film makers felt that just by including Yama in their film would be sure and safe way to success. However they forgot the fact that without strong storyline even Yama cannot save them from sinking. This can be known by the result of the film Yamaho Yama starring Srihari as Yama. The film featuring Sai Ram Shankar as hero tested the patience of people virtually torturing them to the core.
Some more films are on Yama are on the anvil and they include Allai Naresh’s Yamudiki Mogudu. Even Shayaji Shinde is becoming Yamudu in the film. But one can be rest assured that only if story is strong Yama can save them.