BJP Parliamentarian Sakshi Maharaj once again raises another controversy with his sensational comments. The MP sparked outrage by urging Hindu women to have at least four children “in order to protect the Hindu religion”. He reportedly said at a gathering in Meerut that “all Hindu women in the country must produce four children to protect the religion”.‘’The concept of four wives and 40 children will not work in India,” the MP is reportedly told He even said that their government will pass law to trial those committing to cow slaughtering and religious conversions.
He also said that no force can stop construction Ram Temple in Ayodhya as well as Ghar Vaapasi programme. The hardliner, who dresses in saffron robes, is known for creating controversies.
Sakhi had earlier stoked a row by describing Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse as a patriot and was forced to apologies in Parliament.He had to withdraw his statements on Godse when opposition demanded. Ghar Wapsi program is creating gaps between religion leaders.
Other day AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi created sensation saying every kid was a born muslim.Now Sakshi also made similar type of comments.