Kiran Kumar Reddy, former CM of Andhra Pradesh is all set to start his new political innings by joining BJP which is currently ruling the country headed by Prime Minster Narendra Modi. BJP sources said Kiran will be joining the party in the presence of Amit Shah, its president who is visiting AP and Telangana and who willl be in Hyderabad on Thursday.
Party leaders says after lot of deliberations leadership agreed to induct former CM Kiran into the party. On Monday Booragadda Vedavyas, former deputy speaker and currently in YSRCP met minister Ram Madhav.
According to reliable sources Pilli Subhash Chandra Bose, Samineni Udaya Bhanu (Krishna district YSRCP president), Grandhi Srinivas former MLA,Bheemavaram, former Minister Konatala Ramakrishna may join BJP any moment. Rumours came that PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana will also join the party. However sources say no BJP leaders contacted him.