Here is an exciting news for Nandamuri fans. The prestigious 100th film of Nandamuri Balakrishna is tentatively titled ‘Yodhudu’. The film will based on a historical story, ‘Gowthamputhra Sathakarani’ and will be directed by Critically acclaimed director, Krish. The official announcement of the project will arrive very soon.
Few days ago, Balakrishna announced that Krishna Vamsi’s Raithu and Krish’s Gowthamputhra Sathakarani are in consideration for his 100th film and he will announce the project officially after Amavasya. We are said that Krish finally managed to be the lucky director for this prestigious project.
According to the sources of, the film will go on floors on June 10th as Balakrishna’s Birthday Special. The movie is being planned for Sankranthi — 2017 release. Krish is currently busy giving final touches to the script. The other pre-production works of the movie are also going on at brisk pace.
Our sources in Krish’s camp tells us that Sai Korrapati’s Vaarahi Chalana Chitra and Krish’s First Frame Entertainments will be jointly producing the film. The movie reportedly will cost a whopping 65 Crore. It is a very big amount given the Senior actor’s market scenario now. But the makers are confident of the script and are ready to put the amount.