Confirming his presence on board for Nandamuri Balakrishna’s latest movie, director Srivaas has received his advance payment. In fact, he signed the much awaited contract with Eros International for Balayya’s 99th movie that will roll our very soon.
Today, Srivaas signed the deal with Eros CEO Sunil Lulla in Mumbai and received his first cheque from the national level production giant. Apart from this advance payment, Srivaas will be getting share in the profits too and for that he will be projected as co-producer.
For this high octane commercial film that is falling right infront of Balayya’s landmark 100th movie, popular writers Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are penning the story. This is the first time they are working with the star Nandamuri hero.
Details of the rest of cast and crew will be out soon. We are hearing from a birdie that milky beauty Tamanna is being considered as a lead opposite Balayya in this movie. Stay connected for updates.