The picture above is Bellamkonda Srinivas in a Rockstar getup. The actor recently made his debut with VV Vinayak’s Alludu Seenu and the film went on to rake about 20 Crore making the second biggest hit for debutants after Ram Charan’s Chirutha.
Bellamkonda has started his second with Boyapati Srinu after Alludu Seenu success but the movie is shelved with out going on to sets. The picture above is from one of the recent photoshoots done to Bellamkonda Srinivas. The actor is looking dashing. This getup was considered as one of the getups for the shelved Boyapati Srinu’s film.
But it has to be seen if it is going to be used for the next movie. So far the young actor did not sign any movie post the shelving. Bellamkonda Offices sources say he is listening to various scripts and will announce a big project very soon.