The makers of Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata are having a tough tike finalizing the actor for the main antagonist role in the film. They previously approached Kichcha Sudeep and Upendra for the role but neither of them came on board.
The latest news is that team Sarkaru Vaari Paata came in touch with Bollywood star, Anil Kapoor and enquired if he is ready to star in the film.
Anil Kapoor liked the story and is ready to act in the film, but he has reportedly quoted a relatively high remuneration.
Apparently, Anil Kapoor is demanding Rs 10 crores remuneration to play antagonist in Sarkaru Vaari Paata. The producers weren’t expecting such an astronomical demand from the seasoned actor.
Bewildered by Anil Kapoor’s financial demand, the makers are now in search of other noted actors for the key role.
The shooting of Sarkaru Vaari Paata is expected to commence in January and the lead antagonist is yet to be finalized. The final call regarding this will be taken very soon.
It is known that Mahesh Babu and Keerthy Suresh are playing lead roles in the film. Parasuram who scored a blockbuster with Geetha Govindam is directing it.