Mumbai: Deepika Padukone really knows to suprise her fans. She grapped headlines when she was approached to star in ‘Fast and Furios 7’ but turned down the offer to accomodate dates for ‘Happy New Year’. But looks like a bigger announcement is in store for Deepika Padukone.
A source told this website, ” She was the success party of ‘Tamasha’ and the following day was clicked outside a recording studio. The same night she flew to America for a meeting with the Hollywood star. No wonder Ranveer Singh is still promoting his next release alone. But who knew, Deepika will suprise everybody with just one picture. It is a big achievement for her and she is finishing all the formalities there. She is returning to India tomorrow night.”
The actress just posted a picture where she is seen hugging Hollywood star Vin Diesel with his back facing the camera. Interestingly, you can see the logo of XXX in the background. Does it mean Deepika is teaming up for XXX – Xander Cage Returns. A big announcement is on its way.