The team of Venkatesh and Pawan Kalyan starrer much awaited ‘Gopala Gopala’ has delighted movie lovers by releasing the first song of the film. The song which stars with “Aararey ala… aayarey nandalaala” and progresses with ‘Bhajerey bhaajey… Dhol bhaajey’, spellbound all with the soothing music of Anup Rubens.
The song filled with devotion and explaining spiritual concept of Krishna Leela.Although the song was meant to portray the Krishna Leela on the people, it was composed as a fast beat number and fans are sure to tap their feet in theatres watching this song. This song reportedly canned on Pawan and Venkatesh in expensive sets.
The film will be having only three songs. The audio of Gopala Gopala will be releasing tomorrow in grand scale. The movie is in its post-production phase and is all set to release on Sankranthi. It is being jointly produced by Suresh Babu and Sharat Marar under the banner of Suresh Productions and North Star entertainment Pvt Ltd.