Mega Power star Ram Charan upcoming film Govindudu Andarivadele is one of the most awaited films of this year. Many speculations were made about the movie and many people felt that this film might not be released on the scheduled date. But the film has crossed all the hurdles and is all set for a grand release on October 1, 2014.
Meanwhile the film got its final certificate from Censor board and we got to know about the cuts made by censor.Here are few things those were deleted/muted from the film
i) Submit NOC from AWBI(Animal Welfare Board of India) or delete all performing animal visuals (submitted).
ii) a) Deleted the visuals of brand label on liquor bottle in Reel. 1 & 2 (twice) in reel10 (when Srikanth is sitting on steps and drinking).
b) Display statutory warning on smoking when Srikanth is smoking. 2(vi),2(v)
iii) Delete/muted the dialogues ‘pichinakodaka, dobbinchuko, neeyamma, neeyayya, neeyabba, gokuthunnadu, gokaadu, deenamma, no screw, screw driver’.
iv) a) Delete the visuals of back nude posture of heroine while the hero removes her blouse button (9 Sec)
b) Delete the visuals of back nudity while Srikanth tries to rape Chitra (5 Sec)
c) Delete the visuals of thigh exposure of heroine while sitting cross legged in song Ra Ra Rajakumara (replaced with approved shots…same duration) (7 Sec)
d) Delete the visuals of heroine’s breast hitting the hero (two shots) (replaced with approved shots…same duration) (6 Sec).
Going by the list we can say that many of the Hot quotient was axed by censor and it was certainly a disappointing news for Kajal admirers.