Superstar Mahesh Babu has a special bonding with Rainbow Hospitals. His wife Namrata had delivered her first child son Gautham in the Rainbow Children Hospital, there was some health issue for Gautam after the delivery for which Rainbow Hospitals treated well and helped Gautam gained good health. And from then Mahesh had been endorsing the hospital and helping it grow. Recently the actor was supposed to shoot for an advertisement for the film.
The hospital had roped in an ad film maker for the shoot. It is said that Mahesh Babu liked the ad concept but not satisfied by the director. So he personally requested Trivikram Srinivas to handle the ad. Trivikram unable to refuse Mahesh, took 3 days of his busy schedule and canned the ad film. Currently the post production works of the Ad film are going on and it will be telecast on TV very soon.
Mahesh Babu is currently busy with the shooting of his next film directed by Koratala Siva while Trivikram Srinivas is directed Stylish Star Allu Arjun for his upcoming film. Both the films are yet to be titled. We are said that the duo are planning to team up very soon. Trivikram Srinivas directed Mahesh Babu earlier in Khaleja movie. Despite the movie not doing well at the box office, Mahesh had evolved a lot as an actor with the film with his excellent comedy timing and ease.