The mystery driver, In an unusual incident on Saturday night a woman fainted at the Vasant Kunj flyover after she spotted a cat, yes you heard it right, a CAT driving a car. On regaining consciousness and assuring herself and others that she hadn’t taken leave of her senses Mrs Raghunath recounted the amazing incident in a daze. She claims that a fat tabby cat drove right by her and then halted next to her car at the Vasant Kunj red light.
The mall and was parked at the red light near the flyover when a stylish new sedan halted next to my car, it looked quite sleek so I was eager to take a peep inside. That is when I noticed its driver… it was a tabby fat cat wearing John-lennon shades! The last thing I remember before I fainted was the cat rolling down his windows – winking at me”.
According to Mrs Raghunath, the cat also seemed to be sporting cool shades while driving the new sedan at night! We tried to identify the car but sketch artists at the Vasant Kunj police station could not put a name to it. Onlookers heard a loud shriek and rushed to the spot only to find the car zipping away. Information about this mysterious yet stylish sedan being driven by what seems to be a Cool Cat has taken the city by storm.
Note: The story maybe too awesome to be believable but the mystery sedan is real. However, if you do manage to catch a sight of the exlusive cool cat driver.