Ram Charan GAV is set for a grand release on tomorrow with several premiere shows planned in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and overseas regions. The movie has completed censor formalities receiving U/A certificate. As expectations are set very high, Mega Power star fans and trade pundits are anticipating a definite breaking of No 1 industry records. As per reports from inner circles of tollywood, GAV can become a definite hit but not an industry hit.
The film reportedly comes out well and will impress the family audiences very much.As per the reports First half of the film filled with good commercial elements and action episodes.While second of the film runs with family drama and the last twenty minutes will be an emotional ride. Family drama occupies most part of the film which is being directed by Krishna Vamsi. It may be recalled that Vamsi is well known in making such type of films.
As per the sources, there will be some scenes that see rivalry between Prakash Raj and Ram Charan. These kind of emotional scenes are going to be main attraction in the film to be produced by Bandla Ganesh Krishna Vamsi’s picturization of songs and Kajal Agarwal flabby skin show is going to be a major asset said sources. Other side there was reports that makers are raising the hype only to exploit Cherry Mania by releasing the movie in huge number of screens.
‘Govindudu Andarivaadele’ will be releasing in 1250 plus screens Worldwide on October 1st. Its one of the biggest releases in Charan’s career and hence the opening week collections could be huge if expectations were reached.But we have to wait and see how well the masses receive it as they were the people who played key role in all success of cherry movies.