Express Raja Could’ve Been A Bigger Hit


Sharwanand’s Express Raja has done well despite the four way clash at the box office. The film is into profits in all the areas. Producers have pocketed decent profits with this comedy entertainer. Express Raja faced heat from the three biggies for Sankranthi but thankfully had the goods to stand its ground.

Although Express Raja fared decently, it could have done so much better had it avoided the Sankranthi clash, opine trade experts. Producers of this film felt Pongal is the right season to cash in on. But a film of this budget doesn’t need a holiday season to click.

Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, the biggest blockbuster of last year on ROI basis, was released in September, usually a bad season for movies. Express Raja could have made at least five crore more than what it has made now says the trade. Producers should be lauded for having immense confidence in their product, but it is very important to make the most of a well made film.