Among all the three to four movies scheduled to stand in Pongal race, its Sharwanand’s ‘Express Raja’ appears to be first in completing the Censor formalities. While others like ‘Nannaku Prematho’ is still in production works, ‘Dictator’ wrapped up its production with Censor date yet to come out and Nagarjuna’s ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ as informed earlier is going for Censor test on 6th.
‘Express Raja’ got the clearance from Censor board receiving clean U certificate. UV Creations produced this movie in direction of Merlapaka Gandhi of ‘Venkatadri Express’ fame while hero Sharwanand also got ‘Run Raja Run’ to his credit in association with UV Creations banner.
Reports say, Censor officials have appreciated director and producers for having a wonderful product on hand which has got hilarious treatment and some sensible thrill too. Music is composed by Praveen Lakkaraju while Surabhi of ‘Beeruva’ fame is heroine. The film is all set to release on 14th of this month.