It now appears as if YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will manage to send Vijay Sai Reddy to the Rajya Sabha after all. Apparently, Naidu feels that attracting more YSRCP MLA’s to his side before the Rajya Sabha deadline means a negative image along with having to shell out a lot of moneyWhile money as of now is not the issue for CBN, he had decided to slow down with the defections as there is no likelihood of the MLA seats in Telangana and AP being increased in the near future.
What this means is that YSRCP will now breathe easy and Jagan can have his trusted lieutenant in the Upper House of ParliamentMeanwhile, Andhra traitor Venkayya Naidu’s sycophancy seems to have paid off as he is being re-nominated from Karnataka for a record fourth term.
Amit Shah will personally request Naidu to re-nominate Nirmala Seetharaman from AP and Naidu will obviously oblige. He neither has the guts nor the honesty to refuse a person like Amit Shah. But as far as the YSRCP is concerned, it’s a happy scenario for them albeit temporarily.