A fake news claiming veteran actor Chandra Mohan had been seriously ill went viral on Tuesday, leaving many worried. The false stories have been doing the rounds on social media and the WhatsApp messaging service.
The stories claimed that the actor had been battling with ill health and age-related elements. However, it is found that the news was fake, and it was circulated by some irresponsible people confirming no source.
Condemning the fake reports, the veteran actor himself shared a video message today in which he said that he is perfectly alright and doing fine. Chandra Mohan has also thanked people who wished him on his 75th birthday two days ago.
Chandra Mohan made his film debut in 1966 with ‘Rangula Ratnam’. He has acted in over 900 films in South Indian languages so far.
ప్రముఖ నటులు శ్రీ చంద్రమోహన్ గారు ఆరోగ్యం గా, హాయిగా, సంతోషంగా హైదరాబాద్ లో ఆయన స్వగృహంలోనే ఉన్నారు.. pic.twitter.com/VhD3kCfDyJ
— Suresh Kondeti (@santoshamsuresh) May 25, 2021