On Wednesday, the elderly couple from Hyderabad called the Cyberabad police on their 100 helplines and said that their son, who is 32-year-old has been kidnapped. The victim is said to a London-based NRI and the couple said he was abducted from a cab near Hyderabad airport.
Hearing this, the cops commenced the massive search operation for the suspects and victim. But, after a thorough investigation, the information that they got has shocked the cops.
It is reported that the NRI lied about the kidnap to his parents. The story goes like – The man told his parents that he got into the car at the airport and the cab driver physically assaulted, followed by snatching Rs.2 lakh from him which he had at that time.
The inspector said that they have investigated his flight details and his phone calls. The investigation spilt the truth that there was no passenger in the London flight with the mentioned name at all.
When traced his number, police found that the man is in Chennai, where he was working in the hospitality sector. Later, the cops concluded that the whole story has been made up to his parents.
In fact, he even lied about his job and the place from the last two years. It is true that the man said he was leaving for London for a job to his parents but he lived in Chennai all this while. His parent believed otherwise.
On the other hand, the man also took a loan of Rs 50 lakh. He was supposed to get married in the next 15 days and clear the debts. But he had no money which made him create the whole drama. In conclusion, the police did not file any case on the man as he was already disturbed and the family was informed about the fake story. Hearing this, the parent withdrew the complaint.