The other day, Actress Priyamani announced her engagement with her long time beau, Mustufa Raj. She also posted a beautiful picture of the couple from the event. But the events that happened later did not impress her. Some fans of her were upset with marrying a Muslim and Some did not like the groom looks etc.
Finally fed up with all those comments, she postponed a tweet of disappointment later. “Fed up of so much of hatred and negativity with regards to the engagement news that I shared this morning hoping that everyone would be a part of my new journey and bless me with ur kind messages..but I’m appalled by so much of negative reactions!Grow up you people!!!ITS MY LIFE..and I’m NOT answerable to any one apart from my parents and my fiancé! (sic),” she wrote later in the evening.
Probably fans need to behave properly before poking nose in to her personal life. Mustafa heads an event management company which is involved in Indian Premiere League (IPL). The couple happened to meet an IPL match and have been dating since then. In fact, they have holidayed together in several places including the US. She had told media that it was Mustafa’s honesty and sense of humour that she found attractive.