In early September, a small-time model cum actress named Arshi Khan who also acted in low budget Telugu film made headlines when she tweeted, “Yes, I had sex with Shahid Afridi. Do I need Indian media’s permission to sleep with someone? It’s my personal life. For me it was love.”
Naturally, Arshi’s shocking tweet created a lot of ripples across India and Pakistan. Upset with Arshi’s revelations, a Pakistani clergy issued a Fatwa against Arshi Khan for portraying Pakistan and Islam in a bad light. Furious, Arshi lambasted the religious leaders who issued the Fatwa. She also expressed her disappointment over no support even from Indians.
In a tweet, Arshi said, “Very disappointed with Pakistan. Not a word of support for me from anyone against d fatwa. Wake up Pakistan @SAfridiOfficial.” Not stopping with this, the actress even posted a video in which she said, “Anybody wants to kill me or throw ink on me. Most welcome – Shiv Sena & Maulanas. Pathan ki beti hoon mein, aur Allah mere saath hein.”