Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) has officially started the initial talks for formation of ‘Federal Front’ (Third Front) in the country. The TRS supreme on Monday had a two-hour long bilateral meeting with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata and spoke to media after it’s finished. The Telugu Chief Minister was all praise for Mamata and her development activities.
Speaking to media after the meeting, Telangana CM said – ‘Mamata is a very senior leader of the country and she’s a good experience in politics. I have visited Kolkata some 13-14 years ago and today, I am very happy looking at the city for the development. The two CMs talked about the formation of Federal Front in India ahead of 2019 polls, with a view to form government without the national parties Congress and BJP.
He said – “Our agenda is development and it’s for the people of the country. It is not about the Congress or BJP or any other party, it is about the people. The idea of new Front has born in the great city of Kolkata. For the last 71 years what has been happening in the country. Do you want the same thing to continue? The country needs a sensation and revolution, this country needs to change, reinvent and for that, we had a talk regarding that.”
Mamata said – ‘We have started the dialogue and there are several others to come. We discussed on various issues like farmers, development and all public related programmes. Politics takes time and we are not in a hurry.’ Later, Mamta has said – “Sometimes in politics, situations become such that people have to come together to work. We have a good relationship with TRS and we will continue it.”
Accompanied KCR, who travelled to Kolkata from Hyderabad this morning, was Rajya Sabha MP K Keshava Rao and Nizamabad MP Kavitha.