For the last few weeks, during all his election campaigns, AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu has been vehemently targeting his arch rival and Telangana CM KCR. Babu had alleged that KCR is against AP Special Status and Polavaram project. However, KCR has maintained strategic silence all these days.
In one of his campaigns, Babu lambasted YS Jagan for joining hands with KCR. In his retort, Jagan stated that he teamed up with KCR only for the sake of Special Status for Andhra Pradesh. It was then that Chandrababu had challenged Jagan to make KCR give a statement regarding the same.
KCR finally broke his silence on Babu’s rants during his campaign in Vikarabad today. KCR said that contrary to what his detractors are propagating, he is not against AP Special Status and Polavaram. The TRS supremo said that he will only demand for the 1,000 TMC of water Telangana is rightfully entitled to get from the River Godavari.
KCR further clarified that his fight is only with Chandrababu and not with the people of Andhra Pradesh. The Telangana CM also said that Babu will lose deposits in the upcoming general elections. Well, Babu’s reaction to KCR’s latest statements remains to be seen.