Sacked TV9 CEO Ravi Prakash has appeared before the Cyber-Crime police on Tuesday. Since over a month or so Ravi Prakash is hiding from the cops. Three cases were filed against Ravi Prakash in connection with ABCL and Alandha Media group financial transaction. Ravi Prakash had allegedly involved in data theft, forgery and in one more case.
Ravi Prakash had approached High Court of Telangana for anticipatory bail. But as the court declined, he approached the Supreme Court. The same happened as the apex court advised Ravi Prakash to sort out things in High court and declined to give anticipatory bail. So all the ways have closed for Ravi Prakash and as the police have issued lookout notices on him, he appeared before them to avoid arrest.
Actor Sivaji was also allegedly involved in this case. The police have issued notices on him as well but he did not appear before the police. Reports have come out that Ravi Prakash deliberately involved Sivaji in TV9 management row and claimed that Sivaji too has shares and so Alandha Media group can’t take over the management of ABCL.