It is already known that actress Sweta Basu was booked in cops’ decoy operation at Banjara Hills Park Hyatt Hotel. Shweta Basu Prasad, who was arrested for prostitution in Hyderabad, was sent to the rescue home, where women rescued by police. The court ordered that Shweta Basu should spend 6 month in this Rehabilitation Center and it was earlier rejected the pleas filed by Sweta mother to release her daughter.
At last Swetha Basu Prasad got relief today and Court ordered release of Swetha Basu Prasad from Rehabilitation Centre.Shweta’s mother filed a new petition in Nampalli Court and after hearing the plea the court has finally ordered the officials to release Shweta . Swetha’s mother told the court that they would look after their daughter with much care in future.
With this; the judge asked the opinion of Swetha on going along with his mother. As per the sources, Swetha readied to go home. As per reports the former actress mingled well with others in the rehabilitation centre. The actress takes tutoring to children and women there and is helping them pick up some English and Music.