The government of Telangana has announced a financial aid for the wife of yesteryear actor-late Kantha Rao. It has passed orders on Wednesday to send an amount of Rs 10,000 every month to Kantha Rao’s wife Ms Hymavathi towards her daily needs.
Originally known as Tadepalli Lakshmi Kanta Rao, he is considered as the first star hero of Telangana and he was peer to legendary NTR and ANR. Acted in over 400 films, he was popular for portraying Narada role. He received several prestigious awards including Rashtrapati Award for best actor for his role Lakshmana in the blockbuster film Lava Kusha.
The government of Andhra Pradesh in 2000 honoured him with Raghupathi Venkaiah Award for lifetime achievement for his contribution to film industry. Although Kantha Rao earned a lot of money, he eventually lost most of it as he ventured into film production. With this government of Telangana has come forward to help his wife.