Even before the film is oit, Salman Khan’s ‘Bhajrangi Bhaijaan’ is courting controversies for touching the religious elements. Here is one more film starring Bollywood senior hero Sunny Deol’s ‘Mohalla Assi’. The unreleased film is alleged to have abused the Hindu Gods.
Though the film didn’t go for release, one lawyer Sudheer Kumar Jha got to see the film on internet, felt that Hindu gods and goddesses were insulted and abused in the film and henceforth filed a complaint on the main actors and also the makers of the movie.
On his complaint, court ordered police to file an FIR on the above said persons who are part and parcel of the film. The complainant opined that abusing gods would hurt the religious sentiments of people which would inturn kindle strife and affect the national integrity of the country.