Even as the film entered its second week, Ajay Devgn’s Tanhaji is continuing its golden run in theatres. The film’s producers, distributors and exhibitors are making moolah. Till Thursday (Jan 23rd), Tanhaji has collected Rs 197.45 Crore Nett. The Om Raut directorial’s BO figures have rung new records. According to trade sources, Tanahji – The Unsung Warrior crossed Rs 200 Crore Nett milestone today (Jan 24, 2020) which is Day 15. Thus Tanhaji becomes the first Double Century movie of Bollywood in 2020.
On Day 16 i.e on Saturday (Jan 25), Tanhaji is predicted to emerge as the highest-grossing film in Ajay Devgn’s career. However, the film is likely to slowdown due to this week’s releases Street Dancer 3D and Panga. So, one has to wait and see, where the film would end in its full run. Recently, the film has been declared as tax-free in Maharashtra.