From last couple of days, Indian media is buzzing the news of heroine Preity Zinta’s upcoming marriage. While the actress refuted many such reports earlier, right now it is being rumoured that she will be entering wedlock in January 2016 with American beau.
According to reports, her Boy Friend’s name is Gene Good enough. While the name looks like a Gene is good enough for her life, we can’t deny that it’s not a fictional name at all. Anyway, a picture of this guy is doing rounds on some National Media though none could verify the authenticity of it.
One report says that Gene is common friend through Preity’s younger brother Manish who lives in Los Angeles with wife and daugther, but not a BF of our hottie. We have to see what Preity will say about the fast spreading gossip.
In 1998, Preity Zinta debuted as heroine in Tollywood with the film Premante Idera and later acted in Mahesh’s debut flick Rajakumarudu too. Throughout 2000s, she made her mark felt in Bollywood and later our 40 year old siren had dated Ness Wadia and also purchased IPL team Kings XI Punjab along with him. After breaking up with him, recently she alleged that he tried to molest her.