The first look of veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher’s ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’, a political drama based on former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was unveiled this morning. And, it looks quite intriguing and promising.
“To reinvent yourself as an actor is to challenge yourself. Looking forward to portraying #DrManmohanSingh in #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister,” tweeted Kher while unveiling the film’s first look.
The film is an adaptation of Sanjaya Baru’s controversial book “The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh”. The movie is expected to hit screens in December 2018, months before the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. In fact, the controversial book was released ahead of the 2014 general elections.
The book gained prominence as it was written by Baru, Singh’s media adviser between 2004 and 2008. In his book, Baru has written in detail about how Singh was an alleged puppet in the hands of Sonia Gandhi.
After the first look was unveiled, Kher was wished by several Bollywood celebs on Twitter for taking up such a challenging character.