Abhishek Bachchan took a break from films as he was being offered similar roles all the time. He wanted to do different films from what he was doing all the while.
He came back with Manmarziyan. The movie did not work at box office but he did not lose hope on telling good stories.He will be seen as Harshad Mehta in the film, The Big Bull. First look poster is released by the movie team as New Year gift.By putting a man in the dark silhouette, the team confirms it to be a honest take on Harshad Mehta’s scams that shook the Nation, completely.
Movie is produced by Ajay Devgn and Kookie Gulati is directing this one. Ileana D’Cruz is playing a leading role with Ajay also part of it. If the story is handled properly, it can be India’s Wolf of Wall Street, equivalent.