The Bigg Boss Telugu season 2’s most pampered contestant Deepthi Sunaina is all set to entertain her fan and followers wth a movie titled Aliaa Khan. Deepthi Suinana herself shared the news on her Facebook timeline, unveiling her first look as Aliaa Khan.
Though it is nowhere mentioned, it looks like the poster and her description is suggeting the film is being based on Pakistan female activist and young Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai. However, she did not confirm the news. Directed by GS Raj Kumar, Sunaina wrote ,” The Story of a girl fighting for a female education rights. story of that one girl who inspired million other girls. She is a warrior of life who never gave up, no matter how difficult the battle was. Her name is ALIAA KHAN!”
The poster shows Sunaina in Malala’s hairstyle and similar clothing appearance and a book in front of her. Since Malala is known for fighting towards female education rights, the book looks like symbolized imagery. Deepthi Sunaina, known for her Instagram, dubsmash and dance videos, is taking a plunge into films as a lead actress from being a social media influencer.