Bollywood’s veteran actor Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sarah Ali Khan is already a star even before her debut. This star kid is making news with her debut film Kedarnath which started rolling recently. Sarah Ali Khan’s look from the film has been revealed and she looks elegant in the picture. Wearing a salwar kurta and holding an umbrella, Sarah Ali Khan looks perfect as an actress. Sporting a nose-ring and posing with a pony, Sarah Ali Khan is all set to steal everyone’s hearts.
The first schedule of the film has been wrapped up recently and Abhishek Kapoor is the director. Sushanth Singh Rajput is the lead actor in this romantic drama. The shoot took place across the exclusive locales of Kedarnath and the makers have been extremely impressed with the lead actors. Special workshop has been conducted for Sarah Ali Khan before her debut and the film’s director Abhishek Kapoor is confident on her. Saif Ali Khan is not too keen on her choice and he is said to have given enough freedom for the focused kid.