Unfazed by the mixed response to his last venture Uttama Villain, versatile actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan has moved on to his next film – Papanasam – which happens to be the remake of blockbuster Drushyam. Kamal and his off-screen wife Gauthami ( partner of live-in relationship) are reprising the roles of Mohanlal and Meena in the original Drishyam. The first poster of Papanasam has been unveiled. It is a heart-warming picture of an ordinary middle-class family riding on a bike. The film which also features Asha Sharath and Gautham, has Nivedha Thomas playing the role of Kamal’s daughter.
Kamal’s wife Gauthami is returning to the silver screen after a gap of almost 20 years and will be seen as Kamal’s on-screen wife.
Made within a shoe-string budget, the original turned out to be blockbuster and was also remade in Telugu starring Venkatesh, Meena in the lead roles. Jeetu Joseph who directed the original is also wielding the megaphone for Tamil remake.